$800 Payday Loan

$800 Payday Loan

Need Money Fast?

Are you looking for the best way to solve your current financial problems? Is there a sudden bill you need to cover? Do you want to make an expensive purchase?

Payday loans present a suitable and convenient option for those who have a bank account and want to obtain additional funds for their purposes. It’s easy and fast to get an $800 loan today from the comfort of your office or home and here is why.

There is a wide variety of lenders and certified service providers available to consumers these days. You may avoid the hassle and paperwork of the local credit unions and banks if you aim to save your time.

Getting $800 payday loans is quicker than it was before. The application process is digital and streamlined which offers extra convenience to potential borrowers.

What Is 800 Dollar Loan?

So, what does this lending option means? Payday lenders are eager to issue their funds to consumers in need for a couple of weeks. They can also be called direct lenders. Such service providers offer an online payday loans to the client tailored to their individual needs. The amount you get may vary depending on what aim you have or how many bills you want to fund.

Every direct lender may offer different terms and interest rates depending on the creditworthiness of the applicant.

Generally, online payday loans are easy to obtain and they have more flexible terms. Even low credit borrowers and people without a stable payment history might apply although the final decision is always made by the crediting company.

Unlike traditional loans, taking out small loans on the web offers more flexibility and streamlined application at any time of the day. People may get extra support even at the weekend. You can choose the sum and the time of getting the deposit provided that you own an active bank account and have a steady source of income.

How Does a $800 Payday Loan Work?

How can you obtain a payday loan today? Is the application process differs from the one at conventional crediting companies and banks? It may differ a lot so you have a chance to compare.

The loan request form given by the online lender is quick and rather simple. It contains only several gaps that should be filled in with the personal details of the applicant. The full name, correct phone number, and current address are necessary to mention.

Besides, the potential borrower should submit their banking information and mention the active bank account number where they want extra funds to be deposited. Payday lenders don’t need any paperwork or faxing documents. It’s more suitable for consumers compared to the local bank branches that demand numerous papers and pay stubs.

If we compare the application with credit unions, it’s necessary to admit that you will first have to join their membership before your request will be accepted. You won’t be able to borrow any money from a credit union until you become its member and open an account with them.

Getting small loans till the next pay date are becoming more and more widespread due to their accessibility and speed. The loan decision is usually quick and comes within the same day.

APRs and Fees of $800 Dollar Payday Loans

One of the major differences between personal loans issued by banks and payday advance app loans issued by online lenders is the APR. The annual percentage rate and interest rates are different in these two crediting options. This figure is mostly defined by the payment ability and creditworthiness of the applicant.

Whereas the local banks will most likely reject the request from a bad credit holder, online loans can be issued with a higher fee and rate.

Additional fees and finance charges may also apply if you turn to alternative creditors. You may be asked to pay the origination fee, accept prepayment charges, etc. Thus, it’s important to review terms and understand the total cost of borrowing prior to signing any contracts.

Online loans can typically cost 400% annual interest and more. Those who want to borrow $100 will face charges from $15 to $30. If you need supplemental money for two or three weeks, these rates will be from 390 to 780% APR. The shorter your repayment period, the higher rates you will face.

How to Get a $800 Dollar Loan?

Are you ready to obtain extra funds? Do you need an $800 dollar loan here and now? This is a step-by-step guide on how to qualify and get the money for your daily needs:

  1. Fill in the online loan request form on the company website. Make sure you mention all the required data including your full name, address, and current phone number. Include the information about an active bank account.
  2. Submit the loan application on the web and wait for a quick answer.
  3. Get approved through a streamlined loan request process within several minutes.
  4. Receive extra money in your account within one or two business days.

As you can see, the whole process is fast and requires minimum effort from the applicant. It isn’t time-consuming and your private and financial data will remain secure.

Eligibility Criteria for $800 Dollar Payday Loan

There are general demands and criteria for being eligible for this lending option. It is much faster and less tedious to get approved for a loan online from alternative lenders than go to the local banks.

Conventional crediting institutions and credit unions have strict eligibility demands and accept fewer borrowers. They prefer to deal with low risk clients who have an excellent payment and credit history.

If you don’t qualify for the personal loan at the bank, you still have an opportunity to get funded at local places online. It takes some time to check the company feedback and review the terms but you may find a decent company that accepts low credit or will approve a request for a small amount. Here are the basic requirements to be eligible for payday loans:

  • Be 18 years of age;
  • Be an American citizen or resident;
  • Have a steady income source;
  • Have a valid and active checking account.

Credit rating isn’t the basic criteria and it doesn’t play an important role if you turn to alternative lenders. Loan providers require only having regular employment so that you can afford to make on-time payments.

Credit Score Requirements for $800 Dollar Loan

Do you know your current credit score? This figure defines your creditworthiness and shows how well you can cope with borrowing responsibilities.

Each person has the right to order an annual credit report from the three major credit reporting agencies such as Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Your credit report will contain your credit scores and information about your payments history.

Why is it important? A bad FICO score means a borrower can’t cope with his or her responsibilities and has already failed to repay the debt on time. It means the lenders will face higher risks if they decide to issue extra money to such a person.

Online creditors may be more flexible and accept applications from low credit holders as well but the interest rates will be higher. Thus, poor credit history may lower your chances of getting approved.

$800 Dollar Loan no Credit Check

Some consumers are scared of hard credit checks. It’s no doubt as the majority of credit unions and banks will conduct only such harmful inquiries when you apply. The reason is that such institutions have strict eligibility demands so they want to make sure the applicant meets their criteria and will be able to repay the debt according to the repayment schedule.

A hard credit inquiry is sent to your annual report and is mentioned by the major credit reporting bureaus.

It can lower your score by several points so if your rating is already less-than-perfect, you may have trouble with it. Remember that your credit score defines how well you cope with your duties of debt repayment.

You may order detailed FICO score information from one of the bureaus mentioned above if you don’t know your rating. Otherwise, it’s smart to turn to alternative creditors who perform only soft checks that don’t damage the client’s score.

Types of $800 Loans

Let’s talk more about the lending options you can choose from. Typically, consumers know about personal loans. However, you may opt for a variety of lending options depending on your current situation and financial preferences.

Are you looking for a secured or unsecured solution? Do you want to seek traditional loans or a payday alternative?

Each of the options has pros and cons. For instance, you may apply for installment loans. Such loans are issued online or at the crediting offices.

This is an option that allows you to obtain the desired amount upfront and repay the debt gradually over the period of several weeks or months. The monthly payments are called installments and the interest rate is usually fixed for the whole period.

Also, you may select a payday loan and obtain a lump sum for two or three weeks with higher fees and interest but a shorter repayment term. This is the money you urgently need till you receive your next salary. Broker loans present a form of agreement between a broker and borrower.

The broker finds the most suitable lending option tailored to the needs of the client for a particular commission.

Car Title Loans

This is a common lending option. This loan means you obtain a certain sum using your vehicle as collateral. So, it can be called a secured lending type as it demands a guarantee that the whole sum will be returned.

Auto title loans allow consumers to borrow from 25 percent to 50 percent of the overall value of the vehicle. This vehicle is used as collateral by the creditor so it can be seized if the debt isn’t repaid on time.

Is it a near-term or a long-term lending solution? This tool works only for the short period. You may use it for auto repairs, covering important bills, or funding medical costs for a period of 15 to 30 days. Some creditors approve the requests of clients who already own the vehicle outright. Others may agree to issue the money if the auto is nearly repaid.

A $800 Dollar Personal Loan

This is another common option for people who need supplemental funds. This option works better for the long term. You may obtain a personal loan for $800 and even larger amounts depending on your purpose.

Why do you need this loan? You can utilize it for debt consolidation or cover urgent bills. You may fund your vacation or home renovation; you may repair the auto or finance medical procedures. The choices are endless.

Getting a personal loan is beneficial for consumers who want a bigger sum with a longer repayment term of up to several years. Local banks and credit unions prefer to deal with such requests as they are eager to issue larger amounts and get more profit.

The interest rates for such loans are fixed and low compared to alternatives. The lenders don’t ask about the purpose of getting extra funds so you may use them as you wish. Make sure your credit rating is in good standing to qualify for personal loans.

$800 Loans For Unemployed

Do you have a stable source of monthly income? Are you sure you can afford to get a loan? Some people are unemployed and they seek ways to improve their financial stability by getting a small loan for the short term.

But conventional banks will definitely reject such an application as they want to ensure their money will be returned. If the applicant doesn’t have any income, he or she won’t be able to repay the debt.

Are you living on welfare benefits? Do you have a side hustle or a part-time job? Any type of regular or temporary income can help you get a positive response from alternative lenders. If you search on the web and apply to a trusted online creditor, your request might get approved even with no steady income.

However, you should understand the risks of this option. The interest rates and APRs for such loans will be higher as the lending companies face higher risks of your default.

$800 Installment Loan

Are you willing to find the best installment loans? How does this option differ from the rest? This is a loan that is issued to the borrower for a stated period of several weeks or months. Mortgage or car loans are examples of installment loans.

This sum can be paid off gradually in equal monthly parts or installments. It’s a convenient option for many clients who want to have fixed rates and equal sums every month.

You can apply for this loan at the bank, credit union, or choose a lender online. If you go to the traditional institutions, the application process will take more time while you will be asked to provide pay stubs, proof of steady employment, undergo a credit inquiry, and gather multiple documents.

If you apply online, it will take just a few minutes and the request will be approved faster. Generally, alternative crediting companies deposit the money within one or two days.

Pros and Cons of $800 Dollar Loans Online

Do you need to borrow money immediately? Where can you turn to? You have a chance to go to the local bank branch, try a credit union, ask your relatives and friends, or apply on the web.

There are benefits and downsides of getting a $800 loan online. Review these pros and cons and compare the conditions of several service providers before you make your decision and sign the papers.


  • Quick deposit. If the application is approved, the funds will be deposited into the client’s checking account very soon. It usually takes one or two days to obtain the money. You can apply even at the weekend and at any time of the day, which is convenient.
  • Short application. The web request form is very short and requires minimum time. Only personal, some banking, and financial details are needed to fill in it. Your employment information is also required to proceed with the request.
  • Money for any need. Get as many funds as you need for any purpose. Depending on eligibility criteria, you can obtain $800 or more for various needs. Whether it’s a car repair, debt consolidation, or overdue bills, you don’t have to tell anyone about your issues.
  • Low credit is accepted.


  • High-interest rates. One of the drawbacks of getting a payday loan online is having higher rates compared to regular personal loans. If you want just a small amount for a couple of weeks, be ready to pay more in the end and accept high APRs.
  • Additional finance charges. Besides, some service providers may charge extra fees and penalties such as origination fees, late penalties, prepayment charges, etc. The total cost of borrowing may be too expensive for some applicants.

Can I get $800 Dollar Loan with Bad Credit?

Do you have a poor credit score? Are you in an urgent cash need? We can’t blame you for having less-than-stellar credit. While some borrowers may be irresponsible and fail to return the debt on time, you may encounter immediate issues that prevent you from on-time payment.

You may have lost your permanent job or experienced sudden medical issues. If your credit score got damaged and you can’t qualify for a common personal loan from the bank, you still have options.

You may obtain $800 or more from alternative lending places and online companies. It takes some time to check the feedback and make sure the company is certified in your state. Don’t forget to check the APRs and interest rates as well as additional finance charges that may apply if your rating is too bad.

Maybe it will be wiser to repair your credit before you apply for a loan. In some cases, it is cheaper to ask your friends or family members for assistance. Also, you may explain the situation to your recruiter and ask for a pay advance.

What $800 Dollar Payday Loan Can be Used For?

Can you utilize this sum for certain needs? What is the list of things you can use $800 for? While conventional places and banks may ask you to submit a lengthy application and mention the purpose of getting the money, alternative lenders will never ask this question. It’s up to you to decide why you urgently need the money.

You don’t have to feel embarrassment or frustration having to tell everyone about your problems with personal finances. You can obtain $800 till the next paycheck to:

  • Cover utility bills;
  • Solve minor financial emergencies;
  • Repair the auto;
  • Fund a home renovation project;
  • Cover unexpected expenses and daily needs;
  • Finance medical procedures and surgeries.

Things to Consider Before Getting a $800 Loan

There are certain things to keep in mind when you decide to obtain this lending tool. Firstly, you should check your state’s regulations. While regular personal loans are accepted in the majority of states, payday lending is prohibited in some of them.

Make sure you check this information before you apply as some online companies might claim to provide such services but turn out to be scammers.

Never disclose your personal and financial data to people you don’t trust or companies you don’t know anything about. Search for the company feedback and review the common uses and interest rates if you want to borrow $800 dollars. This isn’t the long-term financial solution, though.

Your source of income should be stable and having a consistent income is usually one of the leading demands. Make certain you repay the debt before the due date. Even if you have a burst water pipe or you don’t have enough savings, you should always return the amount you’ve borrowed to avoid penalties.


In conclusion, there are many available lending tools and services today. Each consumer has a chance to select the desired amount and the place to turn to for financial aid. There are conventional lending places and alternative lenders online.

If you compare several options, shop around, and review the terms, you will be able to make a savvy decision. Make certain you fully understand the conditions of the agreement and know your rights.

Being a responsible borrower means you always repay the debt on time and avoid extra charges while getting the necessary funding.

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You may select this or another sum and apply for a payday loan on the web. This is the shortest application and the easiest option to get a small sum for a couple of weeks.

A soft credit pull is conducted for any loan. Alternative lenders only perform it to verify the borrower’s data while traditional banks may choose a hard credit inquiry.

You can select the desired app online. Each app aims to lend you money but the conditions and rates will differ. Do you need $800 or more? Will you accept higher rates or look for cheaper options? Choose the app that meets your needs.

You can obtain this sum at a traditional bank. The criteria to meet include a steady income source and an excellent credit score. If your payment history isn’t good enough or your rating is in bad standing, it’s better to search for alternatives.

There is a chance to obtain a home equity loan for this amount or more. It depends on your creditworthiness and your current credit rating which can be reviewed in the annual credit report.

If you apply online and choose one of the lenders you will be able to get the money faster. This is a common benefit of online creditors. The funds will be issued within one or two days.

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